What is Rooted?

Rooted Girls Ministry was created to encourage and inspire the next generation of women to have their identity ROOTED in Christ. We, as women, know that we can base our identity off of so many different things in today’s culture. People, social media, tv shows, music, fashion trends, and who we were in the past are constantly in our face, trying to show us who we should be and telling us who we are. Rooted Girls Ministry was created to come alongside young women to disciple and teach them how to have a real, genuine, and solid relationship with the Lord. That way, when trials hit and the world is trying to tell them who they are, they will not have to go searching, because their confidence is in Christ. They know who they are and whose they are - young women with an identity ROOTED in Christ.

Our Goals:

  • To raise up young woman to be the next generation of leaders whose identity and faith are deeply ROOTED in Christ.

  • To encourage, equip, and inspire young women to discover their God-given purpose and to live it out.

  • To model for the next generation what it looks like to live a set apart life for Jesus Christ.

Our Story:


Rooted Girls Ministry started as a vision God put in the heart of a 22 year old girl, Kristie Roukounakis. She had been leading a Bible study and mentoring a group of young girls since they were in 5th grade and continued mentoring them through their senior year. When God put the dream of Rooted Girls Ministry in Kristie's heart during fall 2015, these girl were now in 8th grade. Kristie was amazed at how much she had seen these girls grow and flourish in their walks with the Lord in just a few short years. One afternoon, she silently prayed that she could reach every girl at their school. Immediately, God put the dream to start Rooted Girls Ministry on her heart. God told her to rally her friends - back then, girls in their twenties - and to start a ministry where they could be role models and mentors for high school girls. About a year and a half after that, the Rooted Girls Conference and ministry came to life.

Now, Rooted Girls Ministry ministers to young adult women in the US & in Central America through conferences, podcasts, Bible studies, and more. Our goal is to pour into the next generation of women through our personal experiences and through the truth that comes from the word of God. We want to ignite a fire in women’s hearts to know who they are in Christ and to follow his purpose and plan for their life so that they can make a difference for the Kingdom of God.